Above is the original. Below is the enhanced color and saturation. There's indeed something there!
Do you see that? Yes, something is in the window! Just like what manifested out of the fire that he lit during the lighting ceremony, again here is yet another spirit manifestation in the window behind him during his meeting with the mayor. This image is a screenshot that I took of a video of this meeting. I zoomed in on the oddity and then circled it. Then I enhanced it's color saturation in Adobe Express to bring out the anomaly so it could be seen better. The enhancement is in the second image above. The first is the original.
I know what I think that it looks like. I've actually got a few things that I'm thinking that it looks like in mind. My question is, what do you guys see?
God bless you all.
I love you.
Rev. Lady Angelia W. Brown