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War Within The Church - Glen Beck

We need to listen to him. When church officials talk about demons being in their midst then it's time to pay attention. It doesn't matter if you are Catholic or not, there's demons among ALL of the Christian churches now. They are coming in the forms of ministries attacking other ministries, false doctrine, outright lies to push agendas and many other forms. I even saw one manifest in spirit form in a church recently and that wasn't the first time that I had seen that happen in or at a church. You see, it's your faith that protects you. Demons come in all forms. We must have ALL of the armor of Gold on!

Yes, there is a war going on within the Catholic Church. A very real one and it's not only in the leadership. It's in the parishioners as well. I've seen it firsthand.

Before I started this ministry I was trying to become Catholic. I quickly turned away. You see, in everything that I do I have an online presence. It was no different within the Catholic communities. I heard some of the leadership said that you could not be Christian and be Catholic at the same time. I heard others say that you cannot convert to Catholicism. I heard the parishioners calling the current pope the black pope. I heard them calling each other names that I would not call my enemy. I heard everything except physical threats and if they did give them they would be thrown offline and not be able to argue so much as they were currently doing and obviously love to do.

This is not just a war between leadership it is a war of parishioners as well.

In Protestant churches the same war going on with the leadership is going on with the members exactly like in the Catholic Church. They are saying that it is a war about sex. In my opinion, that is only a symptom of the underlying problem: Relativism.

the doctrine that knowledge, truth, and morality exist in relation to culture, society, or historical context, and are not absolute.
- Oxford Languages

The idea that we can make up our own truth is absurd. It's like common sense has left the building. This is especially not true in religion, and especially the Christian religion. We have scripture called the Bible. It is our guidebook and tells us what to do and what not to do, what to believe and what not to believe, and also says that humanity cannot add one jot or tittle to it. Some of the mainstream Christian leadership of today would have you to believe otherwise. If you ask me they are delusional.

We need to listen to Glenn Beck.

Glen Beck: My Visit To Vatican City proves EVIL IS EVERYWHERE

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